Student Office

The Chemical Engineering Student Office, located in the Ralph Landau Building (66-366), is the primary source for information about admissions, program requirements, registration, financial support and awards, grades, academic records, and graduation. In addition, the Academic Administrator for the Department of Chemical Engineering, is also available to assist with advising and counseling on personal and academic matters, or can refer you to other resource people at MIT.

Summer Student Office Coverage

Monday Matt
Tuesday Melanie Matt Adrienne
Wednesday Melanie
Thursday Adrienne
Friday Remote

We can all be reached via email, slack, zoom.

If you have any questions, please e-mail or schedule a virtual meeting.

Staff List

Melanie Charette
Academic Administrator
Student Office, 66-366a
Schedule a virtual meeting:

Matthew Sweeney
Graduate Academic Coordinator
Student Office, 66-366

Adrienne Bruno
Undergraduate Academic Coordinator
Student Office, 66-366