Research Interests
pharmaceutical manufacturing, stabilization and formulation of biopharmaceuticals, nucleation and crystallization, molecular-level design of products and processes, molecular simulations and theory of reactions incomplex systems
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1996
S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990
S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990
Honors and Awards
The Medicine Maker “Power List”, 2017
The Medicine Maker “Power List”, 2016
AIChE Division 15 (FPBE) Plenary Speaking Award, 2015
Armenian Academy of Engineering, Foreign Member, elected 2015
The Medicine Maker “Power List”, 2015
CCR Research Collaboration Award, 2014
AIChE Excellence in Process Development Research Award, 2014
Council for Chemical Collaboration Award, 2014
Manufacturing Technology Runner-up for the Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award, 2012
Impact Award from the Computational Molecular Science and Engineering Forum of the AIChE (CoMSEF), 2011
NAE invitation to “Frontiers in Engineering,” 2001
Henry L. and Grace Doherty Professorship, 2001-2003
Ford Motor Company Young Investigator Award, 2001
NSF CAREER Award, 2000-2004
Joseph R. Mares Junior Faculty Chair, 1998-2001
Max-Planck Institute Fellowship, 1996-1997
NSF Graduate Fellowship, 1991-1994
The Molecular Engineering Laboratory at MIT: The Trout Research Group
Professional Education: Formulation and Stabilization of Biotherapeutics [10.50s]
Professional Education: AI and Ethics: Safeguarding Humanity (virtual)