Week of September 18, 2023
The following announcements are as of September 15.
Events and Seminars
September 18: ChemE Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m., 66-110
Daniel Markiewitz, “Unification of Nanofluidifs and Biological Nanochannels through Local Electroneutrality Breakdown”
September 18: Fifty Years of Energy, Education, and Excellence: A Symposium on the Occasion of Robert C. Armstrong’s Retirement, 9:00 a.m., MIT InnovationHQ (Bldg. E38)
September 18: MIT Students for the Exploration & Development of Space (SEDS) Kick off event, 6:30 p.m. [Details]
September 19: Ten Talks: Undergrad Seminar Series: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., 66-360
Microfluid Flow for Health: From Bleeding to Drug Delivery, Prof. Qin Maggie Qi
September 21: MIT Deep Tech Career Fair, 5:00 p.m., Stata Center. [Details]
September 22: ChemE Seminar Series, 3:00 p.m., 66-110
“Unlocking Realism in Molecular Simulations of Aqueous Systems with Data-Driven Many-Body Potentials“, Francesco Paesani, UC San Diego
September 22: Systems Awareness for Wellbeing: A Contemplative Workshop, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. [Details]
September 25: ChemE Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., 66-110
– Devosmita Sen, “Quantifying Cyclic Topology in Polymer Networks”
– Jun Wen Law, “The Role of Negative Emission Technologies in a Net-Zero Electricity & Hydrogen Production System”
– Sayandeep Biswas, “Design of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) Powertrain to Decarbonize Long-haul Trucking”
September 25: UNC Pharmacoengineering & Molecular Pharmaceutics PhD Program Info Webinar, 6:00 p.m. [Sign-up]
September 26: Undergrad Study Break, 3:00 p.m. in 66-201. [Details]
September 27: Grad Students: How to get unstuck – finding the help you need at MIT. 6:00 p.m. [Register]
September 29: ChemE Seminar Series, 3:00 p.m., 66-110
“Unlocking molecular selectivity in electrochemical separations“, Xiao Su, Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
November 2: Intercepting Ovarian Cancer, 3:00 p.m., Koch Institute. [Details]
See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>
Thesis Defense
September 20: Daniel Lundberg (Strano Lab) 3:30 p.m., 3-370 and zoom link will be provided.
“Design and Engineering of Carbon Fixing Material Systems“
See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>
Internships, Fellowships, and Job Opportunities
MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, & Science: Paid instructor and TA positions. [Details]
MIT Graduate Community Fellow: [See current positions and apply]
MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS): open position for student sustainability researchers. [Details]
Search for more faculty positions around the world at PolytechnicPositions.com
See listing of upcoming career-related events, workshops, and company info sessions>>
Other Announcements
October 6: Application due for Chancellor’s Community Innovation Fund. [Details]
October 18: Application due for funded PKG Fellowship for IAP 2024. [Details]
December 12: Proposals due for the MIT-IIT Kanpur Seed Funds. [Details]
Daniel J. Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program: Graduate Certificate Workshops. [Details]
MIT Energy Conference: Recruiting for 2024 Leadership Team. [Apply]
MIT Energy & Climate Club: Grad students, present your energy research at MITEC seminar. [Sign-up now]
ESOL Program for MIT Service Employees: On-campus volunteers needed. [Details]
Food@MIT Guide: How to access healthy and affordable food at MIT. [Details]
Student Support Services (S3): Help in an accessible & respectful environment. [virtual & walk-in locations]
MIT Alumni Advisors Hub: Students, signup to connect with MIT alumni for career conversations. [Details]
Become an iREFS to offer confidential, peer-to-peer conflict management coaching and support to graduate students at MIT! Email irefs-contact@mit.edu
REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress): Feeling stressed? We are here to help.
Email: refs-x@mit.edu | Website: web.mit.edu/refs-x/