10-ENG Program Chart

Course 10-ENG: Bachelor of Science in Engineering with Concentration

Program Chart

Bachelor of Science in Engineering as Recommended by the Department of Chemical Engineering/Course 10-ENG
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General Institute Requirements (GIRs) (See Bulletin) Subjects
Science Requirement


Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Requirement


Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [can be satisfied from among REST subjects listed in Required Subjects Section (5.60, 18.03, and 10.301)]


Laboratory Requirement [can be satisfied by 1.101 and 1.102; 2.671; 3.014; 5.310, 7.02J; 10.467, or 12.335 in the Department Program]


Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree


Communication Requirement (See Course Listing)

The program includes a Communication Requirement of 4 subjects:
2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CI-H); and
2 subjects designated as Communication Intensive in the Major (CI-M).

PLUS Departmental Program
Subject names below are followed by credit units, and by prerequisites, if any (corequisites in italics)


Required (Core) Subjects


5.60 Thermodynamics and Kinetics, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR)
18.03 Differential Equations, 12, REST; Calculus II (GIR)
10.10 Introduction to Chemical Engineering, 12; Physics I (GIR), Calculus I (GIR), Chemistry (GIR)
10.213 Chemical and Biological Engineering Thermodynamics, 12; 5.60, 10.10
10.301 Fluid Mechanics, 12, REST; 18.03, 10.10
10.302 Transport Processes, 12; 5.60, 10.301, 10.213*
10.37 Chemical Kinetics and Reactor Design, 9; 5.60, 10.301
Foundational Concepts

All subjects are suitable for any Concentration within the program; symbols are provided for guidance only. In consultation with your advisor, select one subject from each of the three groups. Students may not exceed the 45-unit cap except by petition.



Group I: Choose one of the following Course 10 CI-M subjects.
10.26 Chemical Engineering Projects Laboratory, 15, CI-M; 10.213; 10.302; and 1.106/1.107, 2.671, 3.014, 5.310, 7.02, or 12.335; or permission of Instructor  
10.27 Energy Engineering Projects Laboratory, 15, CI-M; 10.213; 10.302; and 1.106/1.107, 2.671,
3.014, 5.310, 7.02, or 12.335; or permission of Instructor
10.28 Chemical-Biological Engineering Laboratory, 15, CI-M; 7.05; 10.702J; or permission of instructor*  
10.29 Biological Engineering Projects Laboratory, 15, CI-M; 10.213; 10.302; and 1.106/1.107, 2.671,
3.014, 5.310, 7.02, or 12.335; or permission of Instructor
10.467 Polymer Science Laboratory, 15, LAB, CI-M; 5.12, 5.310
Group II: Choose one Institute Laboratory subject.
1.106 Environmental Fluid Transport Processes and Hydrology Laboratory, 6, LAB, Coreq: 1.061, 1.070 §
1.107 Environmental Chemistry and Biology Laboratory, 6, LAB, Coreq: 1.080 §
2.671 Measurement and Instrumentation, 12, LAB, CI-M; 2.001, 2.003J, Physics II (GIR)
3.014 Materials Laboratory, 12, LAB, CI-M 
5.310 Laboratory Chemistry, 12, LAB; 5.12
5.35 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry, 12
— Module 1 (Prereq: 5.111, 5.112 or 3.091) Survey of spectroscopy.
— Module 2 (Prereq: 5.111, 5.112 or 3.091; Module 1) Synthesis of coordination compounds and kinetics.
— Module 3 (Prereq: 5.111, 5.112 or 3.091; 5.12, Module 2) Fabrication of a polymeric light emitting device.
7.02J Introduction to Experimental Biology and Communication, 18, LAB, CI-M; Biology (GIR)
12.335 Experimental Atmospheric Chemistry, 12, LAB, CI-M; Chemistry (GIR) §  
20.109 Laboratory Fundamentals in Biological Engineering, 15, LAB, CI-M; Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR),
6.00, 18.03; 20.110 or 20.111
Group III: Choose one
1.00 Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving, 12, REST; Calculus I (GIR)
1.018J Ecology I: The Earth System, 12, REST, CI-M §
1.080 Environmental Chemistry and Biology, 12, Chemistry (GIR); Biology (GIR) §
3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering, 15, REST; 18.03 or 3.016 
3.155J Micro/Nano Processing Technology, 12, CI-M; permission of instructor
5.12 Organic Chemistry I, 12, REST; Chemistry (GIR)
5.61 Physical Chemistry, 12; Physics II (GIR), Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR)
6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, 12, Prereq: None
7.03 Genetics, 12, REST; Biology (GIR)
8.21 Physics of Energy, 12, REST; Physics II (GIR), Calculus II (GIR), Chemistry (GIR)
Engineering Concentration Subjects
These four electives define a concentrated area of study in one of the following designated concentrations: Biomedical, Energy, Environment & Sustainability, or Materials Process and Design. In all cases, the electives must be chosen with the approval of the student’s advisor and the department. Lists of recommended subjects for each concentration are available from the department. Note that subjects that have been used to satisfy the Foundational Concepts may not also be counted toward the Engineering Concentration.


Choose one of the following options to obtain 12 units of capstone experience: Senior Thesis, ICE or ICE-T Modules, or Senior Project


10.THU Undergraduate Thesis, 12; Prereq: None  
or any combination of:  
10.490 Integrated Chemical Engineering I, 8, 10.37  
10.491 Integrated Chemical Engineering II, 8, 10.490  
10.492 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I, 4; 10.301  
10.493 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics II, 4; 10.301  
10.494 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics III, 4; 10.301  
10.910 Independent Research Problem, Units TBA; Prereq: None  
and any combination of:  
10.492 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics I, 4; 10.301  
10.493 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics II, 4; 10.301  
10.494 Integrated Chemical Engineering Topics III, 4; 10.301  
Departmental Program units that also satisfy the GIRs


Unrestricted Electives


Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree


No subject can be counted both as part of the 17-subject GIRs and as part of the 198 units required beyond
the GIRs. Every subject in the student’s departmental program will count toward one or the other, but not both.

*  Alternate prerequisites are listed in the subject description.
Course may be of particular interest for Energy Concentration.
   Course may be of particular interest for Biomedical Concentration.
Course may be of particular interest for Materials Concentration.
§   Course may be of particular interest for Environment & Sustainability Concentration.

For an explanation of credit units, or hours, please refer to the online help of the MIT Subject Listing & Schedule, http://student.mit.edu/catalog/index.cgi.

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