Meet Our Community


Sean Hunt ’16

Hunt is a co-founder of Solugen, a company revolutionizing environmentally sustainable chemicals using enzymes, metal catalysts, and sugar.

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Janet Teng ’25

“I am committed to contributing to scientific advancements and fostering the next generation of scientists.”

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David Kastner

Graduate student and artist David says that by converting esoteric data into familiar and relatable visuals, researchers can engage people of all ages with...

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Sydney Rose Johnson

Sydney, an MBA and ChemE PhD candidate and researcher in the MIT Energy Initiative, works to make greener steel.

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Yunbeen Bae '24

I decided to be Course X because chemical engineering bridged the fundamental science I found interesting with practical applications.

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Heather J. Kulik

Chemical engineering enables me to design molecules atom-by-atom from first-principles. It inspires me not just to understand enzymes but to unearth mechanisms...

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Christian Otero '23

After taking 10.10 in the spring of my first year, I was able to see the diverse scientific fields that ChemE’s can contribute to and was hooked.

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Alexis Hocken

Alexis is working with manufacturers to keep their products from (literally) falling through the cracks in the recycling process.

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Ayomikun “Ayo” Ayodeji ’22

Ayo from Lagos, Nigeria, has been selected as a Rhodes Scholar for West Africa.

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Joshua Kuffour

In his time as an undergrad, Kuffour’s interest in renewable energy has taken on a more justice-focused perspective.

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Katharina Fransen

Katharina's research involves developing biodegradable plastics for food packaging to reduce plastic litter & waste.

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Devashish Gokhale

Devashish is working to develop sustainable & reusable materials for cost-effective water treatment.

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Linzixuan (Rhoda) Zhang

Linzixuan (Rhoda) is working to develop a microparticle platform for micronutrient delivery to improve nutrition globally.

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Rose Yin

"Survive? No, let’s thrive. Both my satisfaction in my social & academic life skyrocketed after I made the decision to strive for that balance."

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Nidhi Juthani

"A friend suggested the unique PhDCEP program at MIT would be a perfect fit. It’s so specifically geared for people who want to go into business..."

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Long Pan ’21

"Chemical engineering at MIT is the perfect match for me as my passion lies with the biotechnology industry."

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Sachin Bhagchandani

"When I was exposed to immunology, I learned how relevant the immune system is to our daily life. I found that the biomedical challenges I was working on could...

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Burunda Prince ’83

"As COO I’ve been able to leverage all my previous career experiences from corporate to consulting to leadership roles at nonprofit civic organizations..."

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Angelique Scarpa

"She shares her passion for the natural world with members of our department. She received funding from the MindHandHeart Innovation Fund to launch her...

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Andrea Orji ’21

"As we’ve seen with Covid-19, we live in a globalized world where disease doesn’t stop at borders. Solutions shouldn’t either."

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Awele Uwagwu '21

"At this point in my life I had a much clearer picture of what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to be in the energy sector and make some sort of impact."

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LaShanda Korley ’05

"What excites me is what we can achieve by being interdisciplinary and bringing together these levels of expertise to generate more sustainable materials."

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Supratim Das

"I never thought that something I can do with my own hands can potentially make an impact at the scale that battery technology does."

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Junli Hao

"The goal is to make sure that the masks & respirators being distributed are actually protecting our frontline responders."

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Fikile R. Brushett

I chose chemical engineering because I wanted to tackle the world's most challenging energy problems and I knew a ChemE degree would equip me with the tools...

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Lisa Volpatti

"As a PhD candidate and co-founder of Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering, she works to support her fellow graduate students."

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Emma Yee

"I majored in Chemical Engineering primarily because the broadly applicable skills it teaches allow one to have a large impact on the most significant societal...

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Stephon Henry-Rerrie '19

"I’m all about finding connections, says about his path from engineering to the stock exchange."

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Hadley Sikes

Hadley D. Sikes

Her former student writes, ‘Prof. Sikes is more than just an academic advisor to her graduate students, she is a role model, a friend, and a sage mentor'.

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Jesse Hinricher '19

"I will pursue energy storage technologies that I learned more about by taking classes in my 10-ENG track... these classes sharpened my passion for energy...

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Sarah M. Coleman '19

"I’ve met great classmates and lifelong friends, learned about the world we live in in a way I never could’ve imagined, and challenged myself to do things...

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Isabel Kaspriskie '19

"Chemical engineering is such a broad field that you can truly do anything with it. Whether you're more interested in problems in biology or mathematics or...

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Yuriy Román

To me, the most rewarding aspect of my profession is to work with these extremely talented and bright students...

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June Park ’16

"The chemical engineering dept. and MIT at large have provided invaluable mentorship for navigating careers in both business and research."

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Mariah Hoover, ’08, ’12

"I’m working for Shell Oil,” she says. “I’ll be working on introducing new technologies into refineries across North America."

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Bradley D. Olsen

My group is really interested in two things: designing materials to address important challenges, and understanding the fundamental science that’s necessary...

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Reginald Avery

"I wanted to do something related to the military because I grew up around that environment,” he says. “The people, the uniformed soldiers, and the...

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Paula T. Hammond

Chemical Engineering allows you to manipulate matter in new and exciting ways, to be able to build something truly incredible that hadn’t been imagined...

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Paige E. Finkelstein '14

"During my medical school interviews, I was consistently asked how chemical engineering is applicable to medicine. My answer was always the same: As a...

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Gregory Rutledge

We live in a material world, and molecules are its building blocks. For me, chemical engineering is the engineering of molecules, what they can do and what...

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Bobby Satcher, '86, '93

"The spirit of exploration ultimately accomplishes more than what it sets out to do. It forces the process of asking questions and discovering things that we...

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Bernhardt L. Trout

With the current course offerings, ChemE is clearly the broadest discipline at MIT. You can learn about complex molecular processes, but you can also learn...

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Juan Jaramillo

"I learned that MIT is a place that gives you the resources, and if you want to use them, you'll make something very beautiful and positively productive."

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Larissa Kunz '15

"10-ENG program was a very positive experience and has opened a lot of doors for me."

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Alan Long

"The PhD CEP program is giving me a unique skillset necessary to be successful in roles that require a strong technical background and management perspective...

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Catherine Bartlett Matthews

"MIT’s PhD CEP program offers a unique opportunity to do engineering research and take business classes, providing excellent preparation for roles that...

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Justin Bullock '14

"I was looking at places that had good science and engineering programs, but also where I could run."

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Kristala L. Jones Prather

Chemical engineering is the perfect backdrop for our research. We engineer microbes to produce chemical compounds. Some may look at this and think biology,...

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Rosanna Lim '13, '16

"When I stumbled upon the PhDCEP program in my graduate school search, I felt like it was the program of my dreams. It had the research experience and business...

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Akshar Wunnava, '14, '15

"In the real world, you are no longer working with only chemical engineers. So, it is advantageous to be able to communicate effectively with engineers from...

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Daniel Blankschtein

Daniel Blankschtein

Chemical engineers play a pivotal role in a large number of industrial, environmental, electronic, biotechnological, and biomedical applications. Through the...

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Rober S. Langer

Robert S. Langer

Chemical engineering is one of the broadest backgrounds one can have. It can enable you to work in so many areas - nanotechnology, materials, energy, medicine,...

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J. Christopher Love

J. Christopher Love

Chemical Engineering provides the intellectual framework to take your molecular concepts from ideas to scalable solutions so they can transform lives, whether...

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Gregory Stephanopoulos

Gregory Stephanopoulos

Chemical engineering is the only engineering discipline founded on all three sciences, and mathematics. As such, it is well positioned for exploring...

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Zachary P. Smith

Chemical Engineering is about engineering chemistry. The ability to control molecules at the atomic length scale uniquely positions chemical engineers to...

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