Events for Apr 6, 2023 DATE Toggle Calendar FILTER Toggle Filter April 2023SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Seminar SeriesHottel LectureLewis LectureMichaels LectureWang LectureStudent SeminarThesis DefenseCooney Lecture Apr 6, 2023 Thesis Defense Traversing Catalytic Contexts for Interrogation and Design of Carbon Conversion Electrocatalysis Joy Zeng (Wittrup Lab)1:00 p.m., Room: 2-105 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense.
Apr 6, 2023 Thesis Defense Traversing Catalytic Contexts for Interrogation and Design of Carbon Conversion Electrocatalysis Joy Zeng (Wittrup Lab)1:00 p.m., Room: 2-105 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense.