May 2, 2022
Thesis Defense
Automated Execution and Optimization of Flow Chemistry on a Robotic Platform with Integrated Analytics
Anirudh Nambiar (Jensen Lab)
1:30 p.m., E17-517 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense
May 2, 2022
Student Seminar
Repurposing Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting for Polyamine Sensing
Pushkal Sharma (Chakraborty Lab)
3:00 p.m., 66-110 (ChemE Only Event)
May 2, 2022
Student Seminar
Colloidal Robotics as Glucose-responsive Insulin for Biomedical Applications
Sungyun Yang (Strano Lab)
3:30 p.m., 66-110 (ChemE Only Event)
May 3, 2022
Thesis Defense
Phase Behavior, Filling Dynamics, and Packing of Fluids Inside Isolated Carbon Nanotubes
Samuel Faucher (Strano Lab)
12:00 p.m., 24-115 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense
May 3, 2022
Thesis Defense
Automating Reaction Development: Hardware and Software for Fully-automated High-fidelity Navigation of High-dimensional Chemical Reaction Space
Natalie Eyke (Green & Jensen Lab)
1:00 p.m., 66-360 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense
May 6, 2022
Seminar Series
Emergent Discovery – From Scientific Leaps to Breakthrough Medicines
Noubar Afeyan PhD '87
CEO, Flagship Pioneering
CEO, Flagship Pioneering
3:30 p.m., 32-123
May 6, 2022
Thesis Defense
Bringing Redox Flow Batteries to the Grid: Techno-economic Modeling for Chemistry-Informed Design of Redox Flow Batteries
Kara Rodby (Brushett Lab)
12:00 p.m., 66-110 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense
May 9, 2022
Department Awards Ceremony
ChemE Only Event
3:00 p.m., 66-110
May 10, 2022
Thesis Defense
Investigations in Message Passing Neural Networks and Polymer Fouling
Michael Forsuelo (Green Lab)
2:00 p.m., E17-517 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense
May 10, 2022
Thesis Defense
Automatic Generation and Analysis of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms
Matthew Johnson (Green Lab)
12:00 p.m., 66-360 and zoom link will be provided on the day of the defense