Community News – Week of December 4, 2023

Week of December 4, 2023

The following announcements are as of December 1st.

Events and Seminars

December 4: Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m. in 66-110
– Christopher Canova, “Mechanistic Modeling of Viral Particle Production”
– Pedro Seber, “Developing and Applying AI for Biopharmaceuticals and Biomanufacturing”

December 4: Undergrad: Global Languages Pre-Reg Fair, 3:30-5:00 p.m., 10-105. [Details]

December 4: MITaly Dessert Night, 7:00pm, Lobdell Dining Hall at Stratton Student Center W20.

December 5: Disabilities Resource Group presents, “The Biggest Obstacle” film. 6pm, Bartos Theater. [Register]

December 8: Wang Lecture, 3:00 p.m., 66-110.
Wang Lecture: Lessons From Building a Science-Based Business“, Stéphane Bancel, CEO, Moderna

December 11: Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m. in 66-110
– Emma Peterman, “Design of a Single Vector, Multistable Gene Circuit for Cell-fate Determination”
– Shaylin Cetegen, “Nonsmooth Modeling of Liquid Air Energy Storage Systems”

December 15: ChemE Holiday Party, 6:00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m., 66 lobby. [Details]

MITEC Student Seminar Series: Weekly, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in 66-168, lunch provided. [Sign-up]

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Thesis Defense

December 12: John P. Mikhail (Rutledge Lab), 2:30 p.m., E17-517 & zoom link will be provided.
Understanding the Mechanisms of Shock-Induced Deformation in Polymeric Systems

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Internships, Fellowships, and Job Opportunities

December 6: Application due for Center for International Security & Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford Univ. [Details]

January 9: Application due for summer undergrad research at Caltech’s WAVE Fellows program. [Details]

January 16: Application due for Design Fellowship Program. [Details]

February 9: Application due for summer undergrad internship at IMET and UMCES. [Details]

MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, & Science: Paid instructor and TA positions. [Details]

MIT Graduate Community Fellow: [See current positions and apply]

MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS): open position for student sustainability researchers. [Details]

Search for more faculty positions around the world at

See listing of upcoming career-related events, workshops, and company info sessions>>

Other Announcements

December 4: Lottery sign up ends for GSC Bruins Outing on 12/7. [Sign up]

December 12: Proposals due for the MIT-IIT Kanpur Seed Funds. [Details]

December 14: Donation due for the Margaret Fuller House Food Pantry holiday collection drive. [Details]

January 10/17/24: IAP2024 Subject Design Track, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. [Details]

MIT J-WAFS: Three Funding opportunities open to MIT community. [Details]

IAP: New course – Science, Technology and Environmental Justice. Jan 8-17. [Details]

Daniel J. Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program: Graduate Certificate Workshops. [Details]

ESOL Program for MIT Service Employees: On-campus volunteers needed. [Details]

Food@MIT Guide: How to access healthy and affordable food at MIT. [Details]

Student Support Services (S3): Help in an accessible & respectful environment. [virtual & walk-in locations]

MIT Alumni Advisors Hub: Students, signup to connect with MIT alumni for career conversations. [Details]

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REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress): Feeling stressed? We are here to help.
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