Community News – Week of November 6, 2023

Week of November 6, 2023

The following announcements are as of November 3.

Events and Seminars

November 6: Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m., 66-110
– Anna Brenner, “Tunable Catalytic Systems for Selective Plastic Depolymerization via Bifunctional Hydrocracking”
– Shuyan Jin, “Anti-HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibody Screening via High-throughput Droplet Microfluidics”
– Barathkumar Baskaran, “N-nitrosodimethylamine Destruction in Drinking Water”

November 6: MIT ChemE Reception at the 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Orlando, FL. [Details]

November 7: MIT Science Hub Graduate Networking Event, 3:00 p.m. [Details]

November 7: Skilling for the Energy Company of Tomorrow, Today. 6:00 p.m. Venture Café [Details]

November 8: SERC Fireside Chat: Mira Murati of OpenAI. 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. 26-100. [Register]

November 8-9: MindHandHeart event: From Stonehenge to MIThenge. [Details]

November 10: Swing into the Weekend with Sidney Pacific’s TGIF Mini Golf Event! [Register]

November 16: MIT SDM for Systems Night! 6:00 p.m. [Details]

November 28-30: MIT Generative AI Week. Register by November 13!

MITEC Student Seminar Series: Weekly, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. in 66-168, lunch provided. [Sign-up]

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Thesis Defense

November 14: Seo Woo Choi (Chung Lab), 10:00 a.m., 66-360 and zoom link will be provided
Multi-omic Characterization of Brain Models via Engineering of Tissue Physicochemical Properties

November 15: Allen Jiang (Anderson & Langer Lab), 2:00 p.m., 32-124 and zoom link will be provided
Development and Evaluation of Localized mRNA Delivery Systems for Vaccines and Inhaled Therapies

November 17: Hottel Lecture: 3:00 p.m., 66-110
Enabling a Carbon Free Energy Future“, Peter Green, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Internships, Fellowships, and Job Opportunities

December 6: Application due for Center for International Security & Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford Univ. [Details]

MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, & Science: Paid instructor and TA positions. [Details]

MIT Graduate Community Fellow: [See current positions and apply]

MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS): open position for student sustainability researchers. [Details]

Search for more faculty positions around the world at

See listing of upcoming career-related events, workshops, and company info sessions>>

Other Announcements

December 12: Proposals due for the MIT-IIT Kanpur Seed Funds. [Details]

January 26-29: Annual GSC Ski Trip at Jay Peak, Vermont. [Ticket sales begin Nov. 8]

MIT J-WAFS: Three Funding opportunities open to MIT community. [Details]

IAP: New course – Science, Technology and Environmental Justice. Jan 8-17. [Details]

Daniel J. Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership Program: Graduate Certificate Workshops. [Details]

MIT Energy Conference: Recruiting for 2024 Leadership Team. [Apply]

ESOL Program for MIT Service Employees: On-campus volunteers needed. [Details]

Food@MIT Guide: How to access healthy and affordable food at MIT. [Details]

Student Support Services (S3): Help in an accessible & respectful environment. [virtual & walk-in locations]

MIT Alumni Advisors Hub: Students, signup to connect with MIT alumni for career conversations. [Details]

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REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress): Feeling stressed? We are here to help.
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