Community News – Week of February 6, 2023

Week of February 6, 2023

The following announcements are as of February 3.

Events and Webinars

February 6: Registration Day!

February 6: Spring Safety Seminar. 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., 66-110. Attendance is mandatory for ChemE Labs.

February 6: Student Seminar, 3:00 p.m. in 66-110
Erin Reynolds, “Elucidation and Engineering of Withanolide Biosynthesis in the Medicinal Pkant Ashwagandha

February 8: MIT’s 49th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration. 11:00 a.m. [Live Webcast]

February 8,15,22: MIT’s 3rd Annual Research Slam Info Session and workshops. [Details]

February 9: ChemE Seminar Series, 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m., 66-110
Targeting sugars for immunotherapy in cancer and beyond“, Jessica C. Stark, Stanford Univ. & Sarafan ChEM-H

February 13: ChemE Seminar Series, 3:00 p.m., 66-110
Mucus, Gels, Coacervates, and other “Sticky” Associative Polymers“, Scott P. O. Danielsen, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University

February 16: ChemE Seminar Series, 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m., 66-110
“Scalable Decision-Making for Energy Systems: A Graph-Structured Optimization Approach”,
Sungho Shin, Postdoc, Argonne National Laboratory

March 1: MIT Sports Summit: The Science of Winning. [Register]

March 3: GSC Battle of the Bands. [Performer Signup]

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Thesis Defense

February 17: Joseph Maalouf (Manthiram Lab), 2:00 p.m., E25-111
Experimental and Computational Electrochemistry to Move Toward Plastic Circularity

See ChemE calendar for more listing of department events and seminars >>

Internships, Fellowships, and Job Opportunities

MIT Graduate Community Fellow: [See current positions and apply]

MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS): open position for student sustainability researchers. [Details]

Search for more faculty positions around the world at

See listing of upcoming career-related events, workshops, and company info sessions>>

Other Announcements

Spring 2023: Design for the Future Workshop – open to all. [Details]

February 22: Application due for the J-WAFS Solutions Grant. [Details]

March 1: Nomination due for the J-WAFS Fellowships for Water & Food Solutions. [Details]

June 21-23: TEE Conference in MIT and Harvard University. [Registration is open]

3.088 / EC.988: Social Life of Materials – Sustainable and Equitable Materials Design. [Details]

D-Lab Spring Class: Applications of Energy in Global Development. [Details]

Graduate Classes & Workshops on Technical Leadership for 2023. [Details]

MIT Community Wellness: offering an award-winning student sleep health course. [Details]

MIT Medical: Wellness support for students, in-person and virtual activities. [Details]

Food@MIT Guide: How to access healthy and affordable food at MIT. [Details]

Student Support Services (S3): Help in an accessible & respectful environment. [virtual & walk-in locations]

MIT Martin Trust Center: Online tutoring is open to all MIT students who want to make things. [Details]

MIT Alumni Advisors Hub: Students, signup to connect with MIT alumni for career conversations. [Details]

Become an iREFS to offer confidential, peer-to-peer conflict management coaching and support to graduate students at MIT! Email

REFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress): Feeling stressed? We are here to help.
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