Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
MIT Chemical Engineering Diversity Statement
Every endeavor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT, from classroom education to academic research and translational efforts, benefits from the participation of scholars from every perspective.
We believe a diversity of race, gender, sexual identity and orientation, ability, and country of origin helps to build and maintain the excellence of our Department. We seek to create an environment that welcomes all to participate equitably, and hears every voice to the benefit of the science and engineering we pursue. To achieve this goal, we work together as a community, sharing the responsibility among the faculty, staff and students to create an environment that fosters equity and inclusion in every facet of our Department’s activities.
We actively seek new opportunities to enrich our community with members of diverse groups, and to support those groups upon arrival into our Department. This posture of welcoming best ensures a setting in which every member of our community can reach their potential, and contribute to the greater MIT challenge of Mens et Manus to address our society’s many challenges.
Department Diversity and Inclusion Committee
We have representation across gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and country of origin from every sector of our community. Our committee members’ interest and dedication towards diversity is universal, and we are very thankful to them for contributing their time towards this important effort.
Executive Committee
Kristala L. Jones Prather (Department Head, ex-officio)
Chris Love (Faculty Co-Chair)
Melanie Charette (Staff Co-Chair, Academic Office)
Hadley Sikes (Graduate Officer)
Tom Kinney (Undergraduate Officer)
Will Tisdale (Graduate Admissions Chair)
Melanie Kaufman (Communications Officer)
Christelle Hayles (DEI Specialist)
Naomh Fairweather (Administrative Support, Staff)
Full Committee
Fikile Brushett (Faculty Representative)
Connor Coley (Faculty Representative)
Maggie Qi (Faculty Representative)
Ben Pedretti (Postdoc Representative)
Hannah Cross (Staff Representative)
Jim Hardsog (Staff Representative)
Wezi Mkandawire (GSAB Representative)
Shelbe Johnson (DICE Representative)
Gabriel Sanchez Velazquez (DICE Representative)
Hannah Boyce (GWiChE Representative)
Megan Eaton ’24 (AIChE Representative)
Rachel Lee ’26 (AIChE Representative)
TBD (USAB Representative)
Department’s Strategic Plan & Resources
- ACCESS (Opening doors and promoting diversity in science and engineering)
- ChAMP (Chemical Engineering Application Mentorship Program)
- DICE (Diversity in Chemical Engineering) group contact: di-cheme@mit.edu
- MIT ChemE Community Fund
- GDX (Gender Diversity in Chemical Engineering)
- NOBCChE (National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers)
- NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers)
- Rising Stars Symposium
- SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers)
- SWE (Society of Women Engineers)