Marcus Karel

Marcus Karel

Professor Emeritus

Support StaffHelen Arroyo

Research Interests

physical chemistry of foods,controlled release of active ingredients in foods and pharmaceuticals, cryopreservation, food engineering


Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960

A.B., Boston University, 1955


Honors and Awards

Life Achievement Award, International Association for Engineering and Food, 2011

Honorary Dr. - Ing Technical University of Munich, 2003

Dr. honoris causa University of Helsinki, Helsinki Finland, 1999

Medal of the School of Engineering of The Catholic University of Chile, Santiago Chile, 1998

Inaugural Fellowship International Academy of Food Science and Technology, 1999

Dr. honoris causa Universite de Bourgogne , Dijon, France, 1997

Fellow, American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, 1994

Fred N. Tanner Lecturer, Chicago Section, IFT, 1992

Doctor of Science honoris causa, Israel Institute of Technology, Technion, Haifa, 1991

Honorary Fellowship, International Association for Engineering & Food, 1989

Nicholas Appert Medal of the Institute of Food Technologists, 1986

Corresponding Academician, National Academy of Sciences of Argentina, 1981

Fourth Food Engineering Award and Gold Medal, American Association of Agricultural Engineers, 1978

Elected to the Food Engineering Hall of Fame by the Journal of Food Engineering, 1978

The First Wm. V. Cruess Award for Excellence in Teaching, Institute of Food Technologists, 1970