Faculty FacultyGeorge StephanopoulosArthur Dehon Little Professor, Emeritus phone617.253.3904fax617.252.1651emailgeosteph@mit.eduroom66-442A Research Interests nanoscale process systems engineering, multiresolution modeling and design of materials and processes, multiscale process operations and control Education Ph.D., University of Florida, 1974 M.E., McMaster University, 1971 Dipl. ChE., National Technical University of Athens, 1970 Publications Honors and Awards Demokritos Scientific Research and Innovation Award, Greece, 2016 CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education, ASEE Chemical Engineering Division, 2015 The Ambani Life-Time Achievements Award, ICT-Ambani Corp., 2013 AIChE Founders Award, 2012 American Academy of Arts and Science Fellow, 2012 Fellow of AIChE, 2006 “BalwantS. Joshi Distinguished Visiting Professor in Chemical Engineering” UICT, Mumbai, 2005-06 “Gerster”Lecture, Universityof Delaware, 2004 William H. Walker Award, AIChE, 2003 AIChE Institute Lecture, 2003 Honorary Doctor of Science, McMaster University, 2002 “Roger Sargent”Lecture, ImperialCollege, 2000 National Academy of Engineering, 1999 The Kelly Lectures, Purdue University, 1999 Harry G. Fair Lecture, The University of Oklahoma, 1999 Best Paper Award: Designing and Systems, 14th European Mtg. on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna,1998 Centennial Lecturer, Technical University of Delft, Delft, 1995 Computing in Chemical Engineering Award, AIChE, 1993 Merck Distinguished Lecturer, Rutgers University, 1992 Best Paper Award, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 1992, 1987 Foreign Member of the Russian Acad of Tech. Sciences, 1991 The Stanley Katz Memorial Lecturer, CUNY, 1989 Curtis McGraw Award, ASEE, 1986 Allan P. Colburn Award, AIChE, 1982 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher and Scholar Award, 1977