Charles L. Cooney

Professor Emeritus

Support StaffHannah Cross

As an undergraduate, I began life as a chemical engineer to satisfy my quest to solve problems and quickly realized as a discipline it offered much more. The core of chemical engineering is a foundation on which one can explore new frontiers and for me this was biology and biochemical engineering. The systems thinking and quantitative skills allowed me to follow a path in bioprocessing and pharmaceutical manufacturing that continues to unfold in exciting new directions over a 50 year career.

Research Interests

biochemical engineering


Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970

S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967

B.S., University of Pennsylvania, 1966


Honors and Awards

Elected, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, 2025

ICB Inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award, 2024

Honoris Causa by Ramon Llull University in Barcelona, 2012

Dieter & Inga Koehn Lecture, 2010

Fellow of the American Chemical Society, 2009

Founding Fellow, American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering, 1992

Institute of Biotechnological Studies, 1989 Gold Medal

James Van Lannen Award for Distinguished Service to the Division of Microbial & Biochemical Technology of the American Chemical Society, 1985

Food, Pharmaceutical & Bioengineering Division Award, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1983.

Becten-Dickenson Award lecturer, American Society for Microbiology, 1977

Listed in Who's Who in Frontiers of Science & Technology

Listed in American Men of Science

Sigma Xi