Official ChemE Logo

October 2024

I am pleased to share that our department now has an official logo—our very first. This new design captures the energy, creativity, and collaborative spirit that define our community.


The sphere contains vibrant elements swirling, colliding, and mixing together as they create an abstract “X” (an important part of our identity). Each part flows seamlessly into the others, symbolizing the dynamic exchange of ideas and interdisciplinary teamwork that drives our research and learning. The movement within the design reflects not only the energy and curiosity we bring to our work but also the joy we find in discovery and experimentation.

Starting today, you’ll see this new identity featured on our website, publications, and other materials. MIT CopyTech has the logo files and usage guidelines. I encourage you to use the logo in your presentations, posters, and communications to represent our shared sense of purpose and connection. If you have any questions, please contact our Communications Officer, Melanie Kaufman (

Thank you all for the enthusiasm, creativity, and collaboration that this logo embodies. I look forward to seeing it become a part of how we present ourselves to the world.



Best regards,
Kristala L. J. Prather
Department Head, Chemical Engineering
Arthur D. Little Professor
MacVicar Faculty Fellow