Graduate student Supratim Das wins Mens et Manus Award

Supratim Das received the award at MIT’s Multicultural Awards Banquet on Monday, May 13, 2019 for his public service and outreach initiative he started in ChemE 2018.
On the same day, Supratim was also recognized with an Individual Accomplishment Award from Department of Chemical Engineering for his public service.
ChemE Public Service and Outreach – is exclusively dedicated to mobilizing the student community in the Department of Chemical Engineering to volunteer in the neighboring communities in Boston and Cambridge. It is generously funded by Prof. Paula Hammond, the department head of Chemical Engineering.
Mens et Manus Award
This award is in recognition of a senior and a graduating masters or doctoral candidate in our community who has shown a passion and affinity for diversity and inclusion work. To be nominated for this award, the student must have made a lasting impact on the MIT community. This student has gone above and beyond to bring awareness to issues of diversity and inclusion at MIT and has been active in the community to promote cultural awareness. [More info]