Giving to ChemE

Adel F. Sarofim Fund

On Friday, May 11, 2012, former colleagues and students gathered to remember our dear friend, teacher and chemical engineering giant, Adel F. Sarofim, who passed away in December 2011. The symposium was a very special tribute, including reminiscences from former students and collaborators who spoke with great feeling and insight about their work with this remarkable man.

The Adel F. Sarofim (1962) Fund was established in 2001 to honor Professor Emeritus Adel F. Sarofim upon his retirement from MIT. Through its endowment, the fund provides an ongoing source of much-needed support for graduate students in the Department. As the need for such support is far greater than the resources currently available, we welcome gifts at all levels to help increase the endowment and pay tribute to the memory of a great educator.

If you would like to make a gift or pledge to the Sarofim Fund, please use the following link to MIT’s giving website for the Adel F. Sarofim (1962) Fund. The site also has information on the mechanics of giving. Checks should be payable to MIT, and note that your gift is in memory of Adel Sarofim, for the Adel F. Sarofim (1962) Fund #3309040. Please mail checks to: Bonny Kellermann, Office of Memorial Gifts, 600 Memorial Drive Room W98-5th Floor, Cambridge MA 02139. Questions about gifts may be directed to Bonny at 617-253-9722 or

For more information on Professor Sarofim’s life, go to